happy girl: ~你好像好多壓力!! 你差唔多每個blog 都話要減壓, or 瞓唔着!! 放鬆啲喇!! 每樣事情,唔需要太着緊!! 慢慢黎喇!! ~香港公園啲花好靚呀!! 啲tulip 好colourful 呀!! 啲色彩好靚 [版主回覆02/29/2008 23:23:00]Yes, I really need to relax. May be I have a lot of pressures that I do not realized and after it accumulated, it explores now. I seldom do exercises and so my pressure cannot be released.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/20/2008 11:39:00]Yes, so colourful and beautiful.
啲花真係好靚喎! 有機會都去行吓先~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/20/2008 11:39:00]Sure, spring time has a lot of flowers to see.
現在係鬱金香的季節, d花開得好靘呢, 而妳影d相都好出色.
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/23/2008 00:40:00]Thanks very much for your appreciation.
happy girl: ~你好像好多壓力!! 你差唔多每個blog 都話要減壓, or 瞓唔着!! 放鬆啲喇!! 每樣事情,唔需要太着緊!! 慢慢黎喇!! ~香港公園啲花好靚呀!! 啲tulip 好colourful 呀!! 啲色彩好靚
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/29/2008 23:23:00]Yes, I really need to relax. May be I have a lot of pressures that I do not realized and after it accumulated, it explores now. I seldom do exercises and so my pressure cannot be released.