你真係好好呀,經常在家煮飯食! 有時可以大家彼此認識係好重要架 [版主回覆03/29/2008 20:11:00]Thanks for your appreciation. My husband is a family man and I am a family woman so I cook all the time.
happy girl: ~ 你先生都係千就你, 陪你去栽培班同學茶聚!! 唔係個個男士都會咁做架!! ~ 你煲啲湯好清甜呀!! 飲湯水會對身體好!! 你煲湯煲得越黎越好喇!! [版主回覆03/29/2008 20:12:00]Yes, he is very good to me. Moreover, he is a Christian now and he also need to lead a Christian life.
我第一次上來 , 多多指教 ! 我減左 18 磅 , 得閒上黎我個 Blog 睇下喇 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2008 20:10:00]Thanks. You are so successful in keeping fit.
[版主回覆03/29/2008 20:11:00]Thanks for your appreciation. My husband is a family man and I am a family woman so I cook all the time.
happy girl: ~ 你先生都係千就你, 陪你去栽培班同學茶聚!! 唔係個個男士都會咁做架!! ~ 你煲啲湯好清甜呀!! 飲湯水會對身體好!! 你煲湯煲得越黎越好喇!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2008 20:12:00]Yes, he is very good to me. Moreover, he is a Christian now and he also need to lead a Christian life.