Yes. Try五青汁, My fd's father in law had high blood pressure and hospitalized for a few weeks. When he was released he started drinking the five green juice and the blood pressure was under control. Maybe ask your father in law to try it, because it is natural juice and will not do any harm!高血壓或低血壓、膽固醇過高症、風濕關節炎、各種腫瘤、皮膚癬、營養不良、肥胖症、健忘症、牙周病、血糖高、 躁鬱症、肝膽病、感冒、痔瘡、胃病、便祕、眼疾、失眠、頭風、多汗、頻尿、筋炎、結石、肺病、癌病 食譜來源:Yahoo Search 材料: 西芹 2 條 青椒半隻 青瓜 1/4 條 苦瓜 1/4 隻 蘋果 1 個 做法: 將所有蔬果洗淨至榨汁請勿加水,要用榨汁機榨 飲用法: 早晨空肚時飲用,效果更佳 勿加任何調味料 榨好的果菜汁,應於15分鐘內飲完,以免變質 每日飲用一次 每次喝果菜汁500cc 如要治病大人要喝800cc
Wow.... you have to take care yourselves and wear more too!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/28/2009 16:50:00]Thanks.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/30/2009 22:20:00]Thanks a lot !
You take care too and don't make yourself too tired!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/12/2009 00:19:00]thanks. I hope that I can.
Bitter Melons are good for high blood presssure, maybe your father in law can try try!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/12/2009 00:20:00]really ?! Bitter melons are苦瓜?
Yes. Try五青汁, My fd's father in law had high blood pressure and hospitalized for a few weeks. When he was released he started drinking the five green juice and the blood pressure was under control. Maybe ask your father in law to try it, because it is natural juice and will not do any harm!高血壓或低血壓、膽固醇過高症、風濕關節炎、各種腫瘤、皮膚癬、營養不良、肥胖症、健忘症、牙周病、血糖高、 躁鬱症、肝膽病、感冒、痔瘡、胃病、便祕、眼疾、失眠、頭風、多汗、頻尿、筋炎、結石、肺病、癌病 食譜來源:Yahoo Search 材料: 西芹 2 條 青椒半隻 青瓜 1/4 條 苦瓜 1/4 隻 蘋果 1 個 做法: 將所有蔬果洗淨至榨汁請勿加水,要用榨汁機榨 飲用法: 早晨空肚時飲用,效果更佳 勿加任何調味料 榨好的果菜汁,應於15分鐘內飲完,以免變質 每日飲用一次 每次喝果菜汁500cc 如要治病大人要喝800cc