29-5-2010 (Saturday)
On Tuesday (25/5),終於在Sogo sale 買了一個16"的Le Creuset round pot , original price is $1888, now is $738
On Saturday, 立刻做了炆牛筋腩,好味呀
你迫到入去買,咁叻o既![版主回覆05/31/2010 21:55:00]I went there at lunch time and just very few people.
你煲牛筋腩睇落好好味喎![版主回覆06/01/2010 23:12:00]yes, it is tasty and we eat them all up that night.
好味[版主回覆06/01/2010 23:13:00]yes, good taste. thanks.
好味道[版主回覆06/02/2010 22:33:00]thanks.
Happy Girl ~我個心都想買依隻品牌嘅煲呀!! ~我又係煮兩個人嘅野多,依啲煲嘅size幾岩.[版主回覆06/05/2010 01:56:00]I heard that it is quite good price if you buy it in Canada, right ? yes, this small one is good for a small family.
之前都有睇過d雜誌介紹呢個牌子, ,,,,其實係有咩好o既呢??係咪好重手o架?[版主回覆06/15/2010 23:14:00]yes, quite heavy !!But mine is a small size and thus not so heavy !
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/31/2010 21:55:00]I went there at lunch time and just very few people.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/01/2010 23:12:00]yes, it is tasty and we eat them all up that night.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/01/2010 23:13:00]yes, good taste. thanks.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/02/2010 22:33:00]thanks.
Happy Girl ~我個心都想買依隻品牌嘅煲呀!! ~我又係煮兩個人嘅野多,依啲煲嘅size幾岩.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/05/2010 01:56:00]I heard that it is quite good price if you buy it in Canada, right ?
yes, this small one is good for a small family.
之前都有睇過d雜誌介紹呢個牌子, ,,,,其實係有咩好o既呢??係咪好重手o架?
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/15/2010 23:14:00]yes, quite heavy !!But mine is a small size and thus not so heavy !