咦,你住附近的嗎?那麼我們是街坊囉~~~ ABBY都是在這裡讀N1的啊,不過我覺得只是一般,但N1就近最重要! 最衰校服轉晒啦,唔係可以將ABBY既舊校服轉手俾你~ 或者可以睇下書單是否一樣,N1的書我還保留著~ [吾家吳居回覆06/23/2013 01:14:14]因為ABBY N1前已經返緊嬰園,個邊返學係好開心既,轉左呢間N1感覺淨好遠咁囉... 宜家間K幾好呀,我幾滿意,ABBY都讀得開心... [版主回覆06/22/2013 10:06:58]為何囡囡不太喜歡在這裡上學?我們今年年尾都會去考K1!但只怕考不到好的K1!今年我地考了12間N校,大部份都考唔到!女兒現未識colour and shapes, A to Z, 1 to 9...我地有教佢,但仍未識!請問Abby現在的K校好不好呢?我現在想整一張 list of kindergartens for application. [吾家吳居回覆06/22/2013 01:59:12]我覺得一般並不是因為覺得課程太淺,而是學校的行政比較混亂,觀課時流程一般,主任對在職父母不太體諒,明明有延展服務卻暗示最好不要用,明明有需要的話可以星期六帶小朋友回校又說這裡沒有家長會這樣做...加上我覺得囡囡不太喜歡在這裡上學,所以半個學期後就決定不會直升了... 小學派位其實無關那一間幼稚園(除非叩門或有少許影響) [版主回覆06/22/2013 00:04:53]Is it that many students will leave the school after N1 ? If my baby cannot get in a good kindergarten, I will let baby study this kindergarden. I see many students can get into methodist primary school and some get into yaumatei catholic primary school which I like too. [版主回覆06/21/2013 23:52:14]Quite near and we need to take minibus 74 to the school and it just take 5 mins. Only 2 schools accepted my daughter because baby was born in Aug and it is difficult to find a nursery. The other one is in kowloon Tong which is farther away than this one and too expensive (6000per month for half day). We have not yet got the book list. I have a friend's baby studying in this nursery and she said it is ok. Do you think that this nursery is not too academic i.e. too easy ?
我家YY也會在今年9月開始讀N班,全日制,學校沒有校服裙,因為方便中午午睡。 [版主回覆06/21/2013 23:55:34]YY also will study in full time nursery ? My baby girl also will study full time nursery. You are right, it is not convenient to wear dress during afternoon sleep.
Happy girl
回覆刪除-時間真快, B女要踏入讀書道路啦!
[版主回覆05/25/2013 22:27:26]係呀!她將會長大啦!期待她上學!
so SOON ... time flies
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/28/2013 21:39:16]yes, time flies. Baby grows fast !
[吾家吳居回覆06/23/2013 01:14:14]因為ABBY N1前已經返緊嬰園,個邊返學係好開心既,轉左呢間N1感覺淨好遠咁囉...
[版主回覆06/22/2013 10:06:58]為何囡囡不太喜歡在這裡上學?我們今年年尾都會去考K1!但只怕考不到好的K1!今年我地考了12間N校,大部份都考唔到!女兒現未識colour and shapes, A to Z, 1 to 9...我地有教佢,但仍未識!請問Abby現在的K校好不好呢?我現在想整一張 list of kindergartens for application.
[吾家吳居回覆06/22/2013 01:59:12]我覺得一般並不是因為覺得課程太淺,而是學校的行政比較混亂,觀課時流程一般,主任對在職父母不太體諒,明明有延展服務卻暗示最好不要用,明明有需要的話可以星期六帶小朋友回校又說這裡沒有家長會這樣做...加上我覺得囡囡不太喜歡在這裡上學,所以半個學期後就決定不會直升了...
[版主回覆06/22/2013 00:04:53]Is it that many students will leave the school after N1 ? If my baby cannot get in a good kindergarten, I will let baby study this kindergarden. I see many students can get into methodist primary school and some get into yaumatei catholic primary school which I like too.
[版主回覆06/21/2013 23:52:14]Quite near and we need to take minibus 74 to the school and it just take 5 mins.
Only 2 schools accepted my daughter because baby was born in Aug and it is difficult to find a nursery. The other one is in kowloon Tong which is farther away than this one and too expensive (6000per month for half day). We have not yet got the book list. I have a friend's baby studying in this nursery and she said it is ok. Do you think that this nursery is not too academic i.e. too easy ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2013 23:55:34]YY also will study in full time nursery ? My baby girl also will study full time nursery. You are right, it is not convenient to wear dress during afternoon sleep.