15-08-2008 (Friday)
今晚係我department head 的farewell dinner,在CausewayBay 的酒樓舉行,有四圍枱。
woo,farewell都要係外面大排宴席! 係咪好高職位架![版主回覆08/18/2008 22:31:00]yes, Department Head is a very top position and she worked here for 12 years.
日常工作, 同事間好少機會接觸, 難得的聚會呀 !! 雖然 farewell 難免有少少傷感.[版主回覆08/23/2008 12:05:00]yes, even though she has left our company I feel that she is still working here. May be she has worked here for 12 years and her 影响力好大!
[版主回覆08/18/2008 22:31:00]yes, Department Head is a very top position and she worked here for 12 years.
日常工作, 同事間好少機會接觸, 難得的聚會呀 !! 雖然 farewell 難免有少少傷感.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/23/2008 12:05:00]yes, even though she has left our company I feel that she is still working here. May be she has worked here for 12 years and her 影响力好大!